Thursday, February 28, 2008

Disgruntled Democracy

Well, the results are in, and the winner is: you can all go to hell.

I did, however, get some good ideas from some people, most notably the addition of the phrase, "asshole-deep," which I'll insert in some part of the dialogue, perhaps in the way the Blog. Gen. suggested.

I'm actually probably going to call the movie, "Slumlord." Or maybe, "Stinkgee Housegee." Kind of a toss-up.

Finally, in late-March, I'm going to be doing my first auction-style fantasy baseball draft. Has anyone here (besides Mike) ever done one of these? Any ideas? Bid $40 on Stinkgee McGee??

Finally finally, HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!!!


Blogadier General said...

Oh my god that snake thing is awesome.

Speaking of snakes, inserting a line of dialogue into a screenplay based on a blog comment is exactly what happened in SNAKES ON A PLANE.

Adrock said...

Well, Blog. Gen., my mantra has always been: If it's good enough for "Snakes on a Plane," it's good enough for me.