Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Who's Gonna Throw The Toilet Off The Roof?

So I've still got to finish my long posting about my Vegas "business" trip, including where I ran into half of my frat at Luxor, but:

a.) It's Wednesday
b.) I'm too lazy right now to finish it
c.) I've got a funny ass article instead.

If you've never been to Craigslist (or even if you have), there is a section of it called "Best of Craigslist," which I guess is the compilation of all of the ads or postings which have been voted in by viewers/readers. The Best Ofs typically fall under one of two categories:

1.) Pseudo-intellectual hippy b.s. (usually from UC-Berkeley)
2.) Ridiculous and hilariousness

This particular entry falls squarely in the second category.

The writer is from Washington, DC, which is hardly surprising, given the state of office bathrooms in this area.

Sadly, this could have been written by me (though not quite to the same extent). His comment about trying to avoid stall neighbors is right on.

Anyway, I'll post Vegas tomorrow.

Deez Nuts!

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