Thursday, April 12, 2007

Well Played, Boss-Lady, Well Played...

My annual review for my real job is coming up next week, and I've been geared up for my salary negotiation (if such a thing is necessary) for several weeks now. Having been screwed over several times in my old company at this point of the year, I resolved to not let it happen here, since I had three huge pieces of leverage over my boss:

1.) As a contractor in a one-person government contract, my continued presence here is not just vital, but absolutely required for the continuation of this contract. I've been told by the client that once I leave, the contract leaves too (since the client and my boss don't get along too well, but I get along great with the client).

2.) I've gotten offers from some other companies (including the client).

3.) I really want to get out of the field I'm in (FOIA), and it'll take a lot to keep me doing this for another year (read: big raise).

Don't get me wrong, I actually like the company I work for. It's small and they treat you like a valued human being, rather than a nappy-headed ho like at my old job. I realize fully that it's hard to find a company like that these days, and I obviously realize what I've got. Still, though, I feel like I'm somewhat underpaid, and a brotha's gots ta get paid! So, I was completely ready to angle for a big, fat raise. Looking forward to it, actually.

That is, I was, until my boss pulled out such an unexpected card from the deck, that I think I've lost all leverage in this game.

She's sending us all on an all expenses paid cruise to the Bahamas over Memorial Day weekend. It's our "Quarterly Meeting."

Let me repeat that for emphasis: An all expenses paid (including airfare) three day cruise to the Bahamas, for us and a guest (so Disgruntled Girlfriend wins out here as well).

Suffice to say, a free cruise trumps #1, #2, and #3 from my list above. I might just retire with this company. FOIA kicks ass! This, by the way, comes one month after my boss sent me on an all expenses paid trip to Vegas for a conference.

Fuck! How can I argue for more money after that??? Why would I want to???

Turns out I have a lot to learn in the corporate world. Well played, indeed...

...UPDATE: I just logged on to this site (to navigate over to the Blogadier General's site actually) and happened to notice an ad to the side of this posting that says, "Are you gay? Take the gay quiz" The "Are" is the hotlink. Besides the incredible hilarity of an ad that says "Are you gay" (Answer: possibly!), is the fact that as these ads are content-driven, apparently something I wrote on this site is giving Google ads the impression that: 1.) I like having sexy-time with the dudes; 2.) My male readers like having sexy-time with the dudes, or; 3.) The labels "Bahamas, Cruise, and Las Vegas" are apparently gay-code for, I want to have sexy-time with the dudes. Awesome, awesome, awesome. I can't wait to use and abuse this newfound tool (hehe pun intended) some more.


Blogadier General said...

Angle anyway. There's money to be made.

Mikepcfl said...

The Disgruntled Girlfriend now has a reason to stay with you til May! j/k