Over the years, many people, especially the Disgruntled Girlfriend, have accused me of hyperbole - overusing phrases like "the best ever", "the biggest ever", "the worst ever", or "the worst smelling ever". To be fair, this is somewhat true. I'm a very instant reaction kind of guy, so I tend to overemphasize how I feel about things.
However, from the very beginning, I have not exaggerated, hyperbolized, or made up anything in this blog. Every single thing I've written about that's happened to me in the course of being a real estate investor/slumlord is 100% true.
Along those lines, I wanted to post the picture above, which is sort of a corollary to what I wrote a few posts back about the leak in the roof. The scene above is what happened about 10 minutes after the plumber left the morning after the leak started. I was examining one of the larger cracks with a flashlight, when CRASH!!! A 4 ft x 4 ft section of the ceiling collapses onto the floor in front of me. My tenant helped make the situation better by pointing out that a contractor is going to charge me like $1000 to fix that.
LUCKILY, the leak was just a caulking issue (now fixed) and the hole was repaired for a grand total of $60 ($50 for material and $10 for lunch for my contractor friend Kyle, who helped me fix it). Take that karma!!!
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